Thursday, October 13, 2011

4th year Digital Filmmaking student at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. Top 20 selection for the 2012 LA Film Prize. Official selection of the 2013 Sarasota Film Festival.

Always looking for career opportunities in the film industry. Interested in all aspects of filmmaking, specializing in screenwriting and directing.  

LinkedIn Profile

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Film - updated 7/25/13 with news about my latest documentary project, Unsettled.


This summer, my writing partner and I made ourselves the subject of a documentary film. We wanted to step out of our everyday lives and learn to find adventure as part of a generation that seems to be afraid of it, so we dragged our new friend and first-time cinematographer to document our restlessness. We drove from Florida to Washington - we trekked through the desert, cruised up the west coast and managed to almost accidentally cross both the Mexican and Canadian borders. We did this with around $7,000 (including cost of equipment) and in my dad's Mitsubishi Gallant. We also met strangers online who housed, fed and enlightened us on our journey. This trip has a lit a fire underneath all of us to continue traveling and documenting as often as we can.

  Right now, the footage is being organized and will be sent on to our editor soon, where we'll all work on it together during the school year. We hope to have the project finished in time for festival season.

Check out some shots from our journey, and if you'd like to keep updated, follow us at

On August 9th, my film crew and I went back up to Shreveport to see the top 20 announced for the LA Film Prize. After listening to the first 15 films being announced and our hopes slowly dwindle, they called Lay Me in the River! Ashley and I are now award-nominated film directors.

A few months ago, near the end of school, I found a flyer for the Louisiana Film Prize, which is a short film competition. I wrote a script with my partner, Ashley Bonn, and we gathered a cast and crew and went up to Shreveport, LA to direct our first short film. We had an amazing time and shot some really awesome stuff. Our editor, Andrew, is editing the film right now. I'll post the teaser trailer below and you can follow our journey @

Here's a demo reel of lighting and cinematography work that I collaborated on with Ashley Bonn. Shot on the RED One digital camera.

Multimedia, Photography, Digital Manipulation

Woofy, digital printed photograph, fabric, charcoal

Self Potrait, manipulated digital photograph

Geometric/Organic Portraits, digital photographs

Waterfall, manipulated digital photograph